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11:00am until 11:00pm
2017 Niagara Stone Road
Ontario, Canada
L0S 1J0

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Farmhouse Ale Collection

A few centuries ago, life on Belgian and French farms existed in pastoral simplicity...
Often times a lack of potable water created a need for something drinkable. Thus, refreshing farmhouse ales were traditionally brewed on farmsteads during the cooler off-season and stored for “Les Saisonaires” (seasonal farm workers), who toiled during the summer months. The purpose for these “rustic house brews” varied from that of pure sustenance to reward for hard work and/or a successful harvest.

Our Farmhouse Ale Collection pays homage to this tradition, while integrating both our natural surroundings and local agriculture. These beers are brewed in a style that allows them to further develop and benefit from aging in the bottle. Saison, Biere de Garde and Biere de Mars are available all year long, while the Biere de Noel only releases during the holiday season (November – January). Additionally, we get out of the box at least once a year with limited-edition, one-off Farmhouse Ale of our Brewmaster’s choice.